A downloadable game for Windows

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Turn on the lights and look inward. In the quiet calm of introspection, a journey of self-discovery unfolds. Illuminate your inner world with bursts of light and explore the deepest corners of your being. Know yourself, without rest. Stand in front of the mirror, not only as an observer, but as an active participant in your own existence. You are but a capsule of emotions. Thinking in first person singular. Just a player.

Tune in the symphony of colors that surrounds you, each tone whispering stories of lived moments, each nuance connected to your thoughts. The repertoire is broad although limited and the options are diverse although determined, so you can transition seamlessly between different sensory states. Spin the wheel of your feelings as if it were an emotional compass, guiding you in that chromatic tangle of intentions and reactions that we call consciousness. Choose the color of the moment and enjoy yourself.

Finally, let yourself go. Release your inhibitions and cast off the burdens that hold you captive. Surrender to the current, letting it guide you to the inevitable outcome that awaits. Abandon all hope of control, for fate, in its infinite wisdom, has already laid out the path. But not before going through you from bottom to top, maximizing your experience. Well, at the end of the day, you are what you are, a unique and unrepeatable expression of the universe.


MOVE with WASD/Arrows keys or Gamepad Left Stick
LOOK moving Mouse or Gamepad Right Stick
JUMP pressing Space key or Gamepad A button
SHOOT with Mouse Left Click or Gamepad B button
QUIT pressing Escape Key or Gamepad X button


Recorded by Like Life Games for 3 minutes and 19 seconds, on May 19, 2024 at 8:31 PM.

Some tips: Start slowly, be careful not to stumble, don't forget your gear, climb in a spiral, things are speeding up, look for the exit, let yourself fall.


Divide a cylinder with a 1-meter diameter and 1.5 meters height into 16 equal sectors using perpendicular cuts to the central axis, each with an angle of 22.5 degrees relative to the previous one. Color each sector with a corresponding hue from the chromatic wheel.

Vertically cut a 50-meter diameter and 100-meter high capsule into 16 sectors with the same 22.5-degree angle relative to a vertical axis. Divide the capsule into 24 horizontal planes first. Keep one of the resulting sectors and discard the rest.

Project internal planes derived from the surface edges, including vertical (walls), horizontal (floors) and diagonal (ramps). Apply a fine mesh to the walls and a coarse mesh to the floors and ramps.  Alternate these blocking planes with gaps to allow passage. Pattern them regularly to ensure traffic flow can match on both sides.

Add a luminous sphere in the center of each horizontal or inclined plane with mesh.

Once the module is built, replicate it radially to complete the 360 degrees and apply the same colors as the initial cylinder.


To run this game, you'll need a Windows 10 PC equipped with a Full HD monitor and a GPU that supports Ray Tracing. We apologize for this requirement, but dynamic lighting plays a vital role in the game's visual experience.


Procedurally Generated Random Music with Unreal Engine 5 MetaSound by Brian Rogers.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

InnerPlayground_LikeLifeGames.zip 191 MB

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